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The Active Page tab is the first tab that appears when you open up the dev tools panel. It contains an overview of all active loaders on the current page and detailed information about each loader.

Route boundaries

The first feature we will go over is the route boundaries. This feature shows you the current route boundaries on the actual page. This is useful for debugging and testing purposes. It finds the <Outlet /> component in the route and highlights it with a gradient background that can be set in the settings.

You should know!

This feature is only available in the development mode because it used react dev tools to find the <Outlet /> component.

If you want to try it open up the dev tools right now nad hover over /docs/main in the panel.

You can also change the gradient background color in the settings.

Loader list

The loader list is a list of all active loaders on the current page. It shows the url segment of the loader, the loader type and the loader file.

You should know!

The loader type is determined by the routing convention.

  • purple - represents the root.tsx file
  • blue - represents a pathless layout file
  • green - represents a normal route file, whether index or not

Open in VS code

Each segment has an open in VS code button that opens the loader file in VS code. This is useful for quick navigation to the loader file.


This only works if you have the code command installed in your terminal. If you don't have it installed you can install it by following the instructions here.

Loader data

Each segment has a loader data JSON object that contains all the information returned by the loader of that segment.

If you open the dev tools on this page and look at the /docs/main segment you will see the loader data object which contains metadata, tag, serverData, deferredServerData and key properties.

This part will contain everything returned from the server and it will be hot swapped if the data changes.

You should know!

When keys are deferred on the server, the data will hot swap when the key is resolved on the client.

Route params

The route params section contains all the route params for the current segment.

This will contain all the wildcard params currently available on this route.

If you open up the dev tools, you will be able to see that tag and slug are both in the route params.

Server info

The server info section contains all the server information for the current segment, including:

  • loaderTriggerCount - the number of times the loader has been triggered (updates in real-time)
  • actionTriggerCount - the number of times the action has been triggered (updates in real-time)
  • lowestExecutionTime - the lowest execution time of the loader (updates in real-time)
  • highestExecutionTime - the highest execution time of the loader (updates in real-time)
  • averageExecutionTime - the average execution time of the loader (updates in real-time)
  • lastLoaderInfo - the last loader info object (updates in real-time), includes execution time, request headers and response headers.
  • lastActionInfo - the last action info object (updates in real-time), includes execution time, request headers and response headers.
  • loaderCalls - an array of loaderInfo objects ordered from most recent to least recent (updates in real-time)
  • actionCalls - an array of actionInfo objects ordered from most recent to least recent (updates in real-time)


The handles section contains all the handles for the current segment.

This will contain all the handles currently available on this route.

Remix allows you to export a custom handle export which can be anything, it will be shown here if it is exported.


There is a Revalidate button that allows you to revalidate all the loaders on the page.


The timeline section on the right contains useful information on navigation and submission events in your application.

Every time there is a navigation or submission event, a new entry will be added to the timeline on the top.

It is limited to 50 entries and will remove the oldest entry when the limit is reached.

The timeline will contain the following information for each event:

  • type - the type of event (navigation or submission, fetcher or normal)
  • method - the method of the event (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • url - the url of the event
  • data sent - the data sent in the event
  • response - the response of the event

You should know!

This only happens for events that change the state of the app, if there is a client-side navigation to a new location that has no loaders nothing will happen because the state has remained idle.

Clearing the timeline

You can clear the timeline by clicking the clear button at the top right of the timeline.